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The Daily Grace Podcast

Mar 30, 2021

Change is inevitable. It takes on many forms, and responses to change can vary from person to person and situation to situation. Our world says to be adaptable, have the right perspective, and be positive in light of change. While these are constructive character traits to have, we believe that there’s more to it. In...

Mar 23, 2021

Life can feel out of control sometimes, and in response, we can find ourselves trying to control whatever we can. We feel a need to be in control! But is that even possible? We can plan out our days down to the hour, but there are a million things that can happen to completely uproot us. In essence, the world is out of...

Mar 16, 2021

Can God restore a marriage after multiple affairs? Can He actually lead two broken people to forgiveness and healing? Mark and Jami Nato share their story of infidelity and deep suffering. Looking at them now with multiple flourishing businesses, four children, and a marriage filled with laughter, you may think it’s...

Mar 9, 2021

You know the desires of your heart. We all have desires! We are, by God’s design, longing creatures. But we also know that our desires are often distorted and self-centered. We desire the wrong things or we elevate good things to become ultimate things. We find that our desires become idols! So how do we go about...

Mar 2, 2021

“Choose holiness, not happiness.” Are these two things mutually exclusive? Does our personal pursuit of holiness come at the expense of our happiness? Actually, no! When we go to God’s Word, we see that the terms “happiness” and “joy” are used interchangeably. In fact, we see the key to effectively...