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The Daily Grace Podcast

Jul 27, 2021

Deconstruction is a hot term, but what does it even mean? Does deconstruction always lead to deconversion? Or can people “deconstruct” their faith and actually reconstruct their faith to be stronger and more biblical? Is deconstruction a good or bad thing? What if we’re wrestling with our beliefs and wanting to...

Jul 20, 2021

We all complain, right? So what do we do with verses like “do all things without grumbling” (Phil 2:14)? Does this mean we’re supposed to gloss over our frustrations and just smile all the time? Or is there a way to complain without sinning? Today, we talk about the difference between godly lament and sinful...

Jul 13, 2021

We’re all busy, and yet, we’re all called to discipleship. Yes, what we see in Scripture is that disciples make disciples. Discipleship is not just for those in vocational ministry; it’s not just something “super” Christians do. It is something we are all called to pursue! Maybe we know there are many benefits...

Jul 6, 2021

What comes to mind when you hear “spiritual warfare”? Are you apathetic? Are you consumed by it? Are you confused? As believers, we need to have a biblical approach to this very real spiritual war that we’re all facing. We need to go to God’s Word to see what it tells us about Satan and his demons and how they...