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The Daily Grace Podcast

Oct 26, 2021

Can people really change? From little quirks to deep-seated issues, we’re asking the question that many of us may have asked in secret: is it possible for someone to truly change? Maybe we’ve asked it of ourselves. We keep doing the same thing (that we don’t want to do), over and over again. We may think to...

Oct 19, 2021

You are forming habits all the time, whether passively or actively. So in a way, your life is a compilation of your habits. The question is: what kind of habits are we forming? And can we actually form habits that fortify our faith and help us grow in Christlikeness? Many of us hear the word “habit”, and we apply...

Oct 12, 2021

Raise your hand if you skip genealogies in your Bible reading! We get it. These hard-to-pronounce names are just hard. We are tempted to skim past them. We know they’re important because God, in His infinite wisdom, included them, but we’re not sure why. To put it simply, genealogies trace God’s faithfulness and...

Oct 5, 2021

We’ve all heard the phrase “forgive and forget”. It’s a nice principle, right? When we wrong someone and seek forgiveness, we would also really like it if that person completely forgot about the offense. But when we turn the situation around, we’re not so sure. Especially if it’s a deep wound and we feel all...