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The Daily Grace Podcast

Aug 25, 2020

Feelings can be complicated. Even within Christian circles, we can get mixed messages about how we should deal with our emotions. Today, Courtney Reissig reminds us that believers can truly engage with their emotions in a healthy + biblical way! This includes the “hard” feelings we may experience like grief,...

Aug 18, 2020

Who is the Holy Spirit, and what all does He do? Some people overemphasize the gifts of the Spirit, and others neglect the Spirit altogether. We need to have a biblical vision and understanding of the Holy Spirit in order to not miss out on what He has to offer us and to ascribe Him the honor/worship He deserves! The...

Aug 11, 2020

“I’ll pray for you.” How many times have we said this and neglected to follow through? Can we actually develop a habit of praying for others? Today, we are joined by Maryanne Challies Helms, and she reminds us that we can be people who faithfully pray for others. She shares practical advice on how we can develop...

Aug 4, 2020

Exposure of our personal sins is humbling, hard, and sometimes painful. Often, we find that we try to cover up our sins or ignore them! Or maybe we’re just not aware of some sins lingering in our hearts! We can tend to deny or undermine our sins because we don’t want to feel shame or judgment. But in Christ, we...