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The Daily Grace Podcast

Aug 31, 2021

All throughout the Old Testament and New Testament, we read that God’s people should “fear the Lord”. We also are told in many verses to “fear not” or “do not fear”. Fear is a hard emotion for us to understand as it is; the differences in these verses can make it extra confusing! But because the fear of...

Aug 24, 2021

It’s one thing to see the value of the local church, and it’s another thing to faithfully attend and invest in a covenant community week after week after week. That takes commitment; it takes time and effort. And there are many life seasons and circumstances where we might ask ourselves, “Is church really worth...

Aug 17, 2021

Can true believers have doubt? Or does doubt cancel out faith? Doubt can be scary. It can cause us to self-isolate because we’re afraid of what others may think of us. Maybe we’re afraid of putting words to our doubts because we’re not sure what they mean about our faith. Struggling with doubt can also bring about...

Aug 10, 2021

We get jealous. In our homes; in our work; in our social circles, both online and offline. Our jealousy is often akin to envy. We desire something we don’t have. But what about the jealousy of God? Throughout Scripture, we see it say our God is jealous. His name is “Jealous”. What do we make of this? More often...