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The Daily Grace Podcast

Dec 28, 2021

At the start of the new year, so many of us make the goal to read the Bible in a year. We start with the best intentions but we typically give us when we don’t understand a passage of scripture or we get behind on our reading plan. Today, we are talking about how to set and reach the goal of reading the Bible more in...

Dec 21, 2021

FOMO. The Fear of Missing Out. You’ve probably experienced it. It’s this fear or anxiety that creeps up on us when we think we’re missing out on something, like an experience, an opportunity, a relationship. There are many reasons why we can experience FOMO, even as believers. We want to belong. We want to be seen...

Dec 14, 2021

Polio and its lingering effects. Loss of a child due to a doctor’s mistake. Infidelity and a broken marriage. Post-Polio Syndrome. These are all hard things for any one person to bear. It’s no wonder Vaneetha Risner titled her memoir “Walking Through Fire” and identifies as a sufferer. Yet, it’s in and through...

Dec 7, 2021

Liturgy. You may have heard this word before. Maybe you’ve been to a liturgical service where the congregation followed a particular order of events. Or maybe your church incorporates liturgical prayers where everyone says a written prayer out loud together. Or maybe you’ve seen some written prayers on Instagram....