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The Daily Grace Podcast

Apr 25, 2023

Anger is something we don’t often want to talk about. We can minimize our own struggles with anger, or we can neglect to see anger in our own hearts. However, we believe it is extremely important to discuss how anger impacts our personal relationships and our relationship with the Lord. 

In this conversation, Shelby...

Apr 18, 2023

Chances are that unless disability is a part of your daily life, you haven’t thought much about how to grow in understanding towards people with disabilities. And it is for that reason that we welcome Laura Wifler onto the Daily Grace Podcast today to talk about this topic. Laura is the mother of five year old Eden...

Apr 11, 2023

We are often afraid to ask questions that have the potential to destabilize our faith. We worry the answers will reveal that God is not real or that God is not good. One of those questions is, “if God is good, why do bad things happen?” In today’s episode, Shelby chats with Michele, who has walked through three...

Apr 4, 2023

Do you approach your quiet times with a sense of duty rather than delight? In this episode, Krystal discusses how to engage our curiosity as we open the Word of God with Kat Armstrong. Kat reminds us that studying God’s Word is about communing with the Lord, drawing near to Him in our time of need, and rejoicing in...