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Daily Grace

Jun 30, 2020

Words are important. We use words to engage with others, so we want to be mindful of the power of words and their tremendous effects. Abbey Wedgeworth joins us today and guides us through this discussion. She offers wisdom, biblical truth, and a lot of practical advice on how we can wisely choose our words when we’re...

Jun 23, 2020

Abide. We use it as our “word of the year”. We see it on coffee mugs, necklaces and baseball caps. But what does abiding really mean? How do we abide? What does it look like to abide in the Lord in this day and age? We are joined by Kristin Schmucker, and she helps us see how abiding is simply being a disciple....

Jun 16, 2020

Does comparison always lead to envy and competition? Is it really “the thief of joy”? Scripture offers us a different form of comparison: imitation. We are called to imitate those who imitate Christ. This is a positive form of comparison that helps us in our pursuit of godliness. It isn’t about getting...

Jun 9, 2020

We know we should pray. We want a thriving prayer life. But where do we start? What do we say? Our prayer lives feel rote and dry! We wish someone would teach us to pray. Good news! Jesus gave us the model to experience an enriching prayer life in Scripture! The Lord’s prayer has 6 petitions (3 God-centered petitions...

Jun 4, 2020

All people, including the color of their skin, are made in the image of God. Though sin marred God’s original design, it did not change the fact that mankind still bears God’s image. Sin does not change the God-given value equally given to all of His image bearers. However, sin does cause this God-given value to be...