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The Daily Grace Podcast

Sep 24, 2019

Where is your gaze fixed? Every season of life holds ample opportunities to grow in godliness, and the Lord is faithful to do this work of sanctification in us every single day. But what are we beholding? In harder seasons of motherhood and marriage, do we believe the Lord is transforming us into Christlikeness? Ruth...

Sep 17, 2019

What purpose do bright markers have in our Bible study? Highlighters can be tools to help facilitate deep Bible study. If used systematically, they help us engage the text in a way to have a fuller understanding of Scripture. There are many different ways to use highlighters. There isn’t one right way. But without a...

Sep 10, 2019

Emotions are intricate and can be tricky. Should we follow our head (logic) or our hearts (feelings)? How do we handle our emotions? What do our emotions say about us? We can go to God’s Word and allow it to shape our emotions. We can love, value, and hate the things that He loves, values, and hates. All our emotions...

Sep 3, 2019

We all want authentic friendships. We know we’re made for real connections, but we often find ourselves disappointed and lonely. So we avoid conflict at all costs. But then our friendships lack depth. Kelly helps us have a biblical understanding of friendship, and she also offers practical advice on how to have real...