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Daily Grace

Nov 5, 2019

Do you think Christianity has too many rules to follow? Does the Bible seem like a book full of restrictive commands to you? Is it just moralism? No one can live up to them, so why try at all? Isn’t the Bible outdated anyway? These are objections we have heard or thought. The Bible does have commands! And the gospel is about grace! The law actually offers hope and joy. It is a gracious gift from God, and while Christ frees us from guilt and shame, He also empowers us to obey and put His holiness on display to a world in need. 


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Resources mentioned in this episode 

“Getting Out” Sermon by Tim Keller 


Scripture mentioned in this episode: 

Matthew 5-7 

Genesis 12 

Exodus 19:5-6 

1 Peter 2:9 

Romans 7:7 

1 Corinthians 15:10-11 

James 2:26 

Exodus 14 

Exodus 20 

Matthew 10:8 

Matthew 5:14-16 

1 John 4:19 

Matthew 22:37-40 

Romans 13:10 

1 John 4:8 

Deuteronomy 10:12-13 

Psalm 84:11 

Psalm 19-7:11 

Romans 3:20 

Isaiah 55:8-9 

Romans 11:33-36 


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